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Graphic Demonstratives & Animations

The legal graphics industry has evolved a great deal in the past ten years. With the evolution of new technologies projects that were very expensive several years ago have come down significantly in cost. Our consultants have extensive experience working with cutting edge tools to provide you with powerful graphics and animations. These tools allow us to make changes too your graphics and animations easily as your case evolves and changes.


Our consultants use all of the latest trial presentation software available. Several of our consultants have worked for the leading trial presentation software company in the world. This valuable experience ensures they know the software inside and out.

ITS consultants have worked on hundreds of matters in all venues around the globe. We are excellent under pressure and can resolve any problem that arises. To put it simply, we have the experience to stay cool in the hot seat.

Trial Database Management

We can organize your data into an efficient database quickly and in a cost effective manner. We have managed some of the largest trial databases in North America and used them successfully at trial.

Courtroom Presentation

Our consultants have experience presenting in courtrooms all over North America and around the world. No matter is too large or too small for our seasoned team of consultants. Give us a call and let us help you create a innovative and powerful presentation that will clearly deliver your message to your target audience.

Deposition Video Designations

We are the masters of deposition video clip creation. If you’re looking for powerful impeachment clips or combined designations and counter designations played for hours in lieu of live witness testimony, we have you covered.

Toll Free: 800•603•7858
Tel: 414•877•1625
Fax: 920•558•4453

Innovative Trial Services


We think working together is the fastest way to get acquainted. You get to know us, we get to know you, and you can check off one more thing on your to-do list.

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